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    Friday, August 21, 2009

    Midwest Liberty Fest - Seeking Sponsors

    Hi there, I am writing on behalf of the Liberty Restoration Project to let you know about a very special upcoming event called the Midwest Liberty Fest. This event will take place in DuQuoin, IL on October 9, 10, 11. The goal is to bring the grassroots together to learn about successful activism, celebrate the principles of freedom and empower leadership within our grassroots liberty movement.

    Our powerful speaker line up includes "big name" activists such as Sheriff Joe Mack (Oath Keepers), Restore the Republic's Gary Franchi and Constitutional Scholar Michael Badnarik. We also be hearing from several liberty candidates including Adam Kokesh, RJ Harris, and Missouri's own Ed Martin. The most exciting feature of this event is the lineup of successful, but otherwise unknown, activists who will be sharing their story and teaching others to walk in their footsteps.

    From social media, to grassroots strategy, to homeschooling workshops this is an event the grassroots cannot miss. And we are making every attempt possible to do it at a minimal cost to the public, $20 a ticket. Won't you help make this event a success by sponsoring the Midwest Liberty Fest in one of the following ways?

    MWLF Sponsorship Levels

    Midwest Liberty Fest is currently looking for sponsorship to help raise money in support of this event. This event will be historic and build bridges for the liberty movement. Your participation is needed and will help to promote grassroots efforts as we learn from and support one another in the effort to restore constitutional fundamental building blocks in our land. We believe the rewards will be huge and rippling and lasting! Please be a part of an exciting venture and give all that you can for Life and Liberty in our Land. Below are our sponsorship packages and what your group/business will receive in exchange:

    Diamond Sponsor - $5,000+

    1. Table at the event. You will be able to hang a banner from your table and pass out literature or promotional material and sell any merchandise you might have.
    2. Banner advertisement on the main page of our website as Diamond Sponsor
    3. Announcement in our blog and mass mailings
    4. Full Page Ad in our MWLF Agenda
    5. Your company announced on stage at the event as a Diamond Sponsor
    6. 5 minute speaking spot and / or opportunity to introduce big named speaker on behalf of your organization
    7. Banner on main speaking stage (you provide)
    8. Listed in our Press Release thanking our sponsors

    Platinum Sponsor - $2,500+

    1. Table at the event. You will be able to hang a banner from your table and pass out literature or promotional material and sell any merchandise you might have.
    2. Banner advertisement on the main page of our website as Platinum Sponsor
    3. Announcement in our blog and mass mailings
    4. 1/2 page Ad in our MWLF Agenda
    5. Your company announced on stage at the event as a Platinum Sponsor
    6. Listed in our Press Release thanking our sponsors

    Gold Sponsor - $1000+

    1. Table at the event. You will be able to hang a banner from your table and pass out literature or promotional material and sell any merchandise you might have.
    2. Banner advertisement on our website as Gold Sponsor
    3. Announcement in our blog and mass mailings
    4. 1/4 page Ad in our MWLF Agenda
    5. Your company announced on stage at the event as a Gold Sponsor
    6. Listed in our Press Release thanking our sponsors

    Silver Sponsor - $500 +

    1. Table at the event. You will be able to hang a banner from your table and pass out literature or promotional material and sell any merchandise you might have.

    2. Banner advertisement on our website as Silver Sponsor
    3. Announcement in our blog and mass mailings
    4. Business card sized page Ad in our MWLF Agenda
    5. Listed in our Press Release thanking our sponsors

    Bronze Sponsor - $250 +

    1. Table at the event. You will be able to hang a banner from your table and pass out literature or promotional material and sell any merchandise you might have.
    2. Link advertisement on our website as Bronze Sponsor
    3. Listed in MWLF Agenda as sponsor
    4. Announcement in our blog and mass mailings
    5. Listed in our Press Release thanking our sponsors
    Booth - $100 +
    1. Table at the event. You will be able to hang a banner from your table and pass out literature or promotional material and sell any merchandise you might have.
    2. Listed on our Website as Friends of Liberty (optional as you wish with website link/small graphic)
    Banner - $50 +
    1. For those unable to attend and man a booth, we have the option for a banner to be hung in a prominent area
    2. You must provide the banner

    *** Thank you -- your support will help to make this an historic event ***

    If you are interested in being a sponsor at this event please contact team@midwestlibertyfest and title your email: Sponsorship

    All graphics must be provided by sponsors with links and the exact format of name listing desired!

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